Sunday, July 28, 2013

6 Weeks

Gotta start somewhere and I guess 6 weeks will be as good as any.  Even though this is mostly bloating, at least it will let me see how much I really grow.  I will find what clothes I decide to use soon and then will take the pictures in the same thing every week.  Thanks to my DH, who is always my wonderful photographer.  He just took this one with my phone, so I know it's not the greatest. 
Baby, fetus at 6 weeks - BabyCenter

C & W's Baby in Week 6 of Pregnancy

You might be coping with full-blown pregnancy symptoms (sorry), but there's plenty of good news too. Your baby's jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, and nose are beginning to form what will eventually become one adorable face. In addition, her kidneys, liver, and lungs are developing, and her heart is now beating 80 times a minute (and getting faster every day). All this and she's still no bigger than the length of a nail head (about a quarter of an inch) from crown to rump!

What's going on with me - Week 6 Pregnancy Symptoms

Frequent urination: You’re eating for two and peeing for two these days, thanks to your kidneys, which are getting more efficient about ridding your body of waste (yours and your growing baby-to-be’s). You can blame your uterus too, which is putting pressure on your bladder now. To make sure you empty it all out (and save yourself another trip to the bathroom in ten minutes), lean forward when you pee. Then, when you think you’re done, pee again. (Might as well try — you’re there anyway!) - Definitely experiencing this one.  More so because I'm now being diligent about drinking as much water as I can.  I average about 100-120 oz/day, which I'm totally happy with.  My alarm usually goes off during the week at 5:30am, but my "body alarm" tends to wake me up at around 4:30am.  Makes it so hard to get up after going back to sleep for just 45min or so.

Fatigue: Building that baby (and the life support your growing fetus needs) is hard work, so it’s no wonder you feel exhausted. Listen to your body — if it’s screaming at you to take a break, then take five! But do fit in some exercise: Take a walk or a yoga class; the endorphins you release will lift your mood and help you sleep better. Just don’t overdo! - Yep, this one too.  I do well during the day, usually getting a bit tired in the early afternoon, but super tired by the time I get home.  Usually around 7:30 or 8pm, I'll doze off for 15 or 20 minutes and then stay up until going to bed between 10pm - 11pm.

Breast tenderness and changes: No, it’s not your imagination — your nipples are sticking out more than usual. They may be tender too (so definitely warn your partner about what feels good to the touch and what doesn’t). Why the luscious look these days? All the better to see you with, my dear! Your body is gearing up to breastfeed, and the darker areolas (the skin around the nipples) turn your nipples into a bull’s-eye for your newborn, whose eyesight at birth won’t be very good. - This was one of my first symptoms.  Still experiencing some soreness, but this is definitely easily dealt with.  Much less noticeable as long as I have my bra on and the kids don't hug me too tight.  hehe

Nausea and vomiting: Whether you are experiencing slight queasiness or hurling breakfast, lunch, or dinner (or all three), look on the bright side. (Though admittedly it’s hard to look at the bright side when your view is the porcelain goddess!) Women who experience some nausea are significantly less likely to miscarry than those who don’t. Combat queasiness by eating small snacks that combine protein and complex carbs — cheese and multigrain crackers, yogurt and granola, whatever your stomach can stomach. - This one is hit and miss.  I have had just a few mornings where I was a little queasy, but have been lucky enough to actually NOT vomit yet.  Let's just hope it stays that way.  I've been so blessed to only have "morning" sickness with my middle son's pregnancy and it was all day for the first 3 months.  I have had little to none with all my other pregnancies, so let's hope this one follows suit. 

Heartburn and indigestion: Here’s the not-so-great news — the chances of getting through the next nine months heartburn-free are nearly zero. That’s because the muscle at the top of the stomach that usually prevents digestive juices from backing up relaxes. But here's better news: you can minimize the symptoms if you don't rush through your meals and avoid clothes that constrict your belly. - This is one I have luckily avoided so far, so let's hope that continues as well.

Bloating: Blame the progesterone that’s coursing through your body as you read this — this delightful hormone is essential for maintaining a healthy pregnancy, but it also is responsible for your puff mommy-to-be look. Eat lots of fiber and drink plenty of water to avoid getting constipated, which can aggravate bloating. - See picture above.  LOL

Increased sense of smell: Now that you’re pregnant, you’ve got a bloodhound’s keen nose. You can smell your coworker’s lunch from across the room, the cologne your office-mate is wearing, and someone’s dirty sneakers (all at the same time!). What’s the deal with your supersensitive sniffer? Blame your hormones again. If your nose is making the queasies worse, surround yourself with some scents that may make you feel better (if there are any). Some to try: mint, ginger, and lemon. - This was the VERY first symptom I had.  I asked a colleague one day if she smelled something, although I don't remember what it was and she said no.  She is aware of pregnancy and told me, "you're definitely pregnant because...and pointed to her nose."

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