After lots of emails back and forth, the first appointments are finally scheduled. We decided to go ahead and schedule the appointment with the MFM and my OB in the same day, so that C&W don't have to come twice in such a short period of time. They are both scheduled for Monday, 9/16. C&W decided to do the ultrascreen testing, which tests for downs and Trisomy 21 and 18. I did the blood work for this test last week and the apt with the MFM will be for the NT (nuchal translucency) scan part of the test. After the specialist appointment, we will head over to my OB's office for the first visit with her.
I am so excited to see C and the baby again. Unfortunately, W has some work stuff that he wasn't able to get out of, so we will try to Skype or at least video the appointment so that he can see his little one again too. It's going to be so neat, because the baby will be so much bigger and truly resemble a baby by then. I can't believe how fast the time is flying by!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
10 Weeks and no more meds
10 weeks and NO MORE MEDS. No more shots or otherwise. I will keep taking my prenatal vitamin, but I'm done with everything else. It's a little scary too, just quitting all together, cold turkey. I know this is usually how most clinics do it, so everything will be fine, but I was on PIO with baby "E" until 12 weeks, so definitely a little different for me. So glad that I never ended up with any issues with the shots.
C & W's Baby in Week 10 of Pregnancy
The baby (now the size of a prune) has small indentations on his legs (soon to be knees and ankles!), and his tiny arms even have elbows that bend (how is that for magical?). Inside that little mouth, tiny buds of baby teeth are forming under the gums. His stomach and kidneys are kicking into gear, producing digestive juices and urine, and if it's a boy, his testes are making testosterone (how manly!).Week 10 Pregnancy Symptoms
Fatigue: You probably still feel as if your get-up-and-go has gotten up and gone, but don’t worry — in about a month you’ll be feeling less tired. In the meantime, don’t be super mom-to-be. Ask for help, get some rest, and work in some exercise when you can. Yes, it seems counterintuitive to go out for a walk when you want to crawl into bed, but you’ll feel peppier (promise!) — and you’ll sleep better. Definitely still feeling this one. I'm so busy at work that I don't really have time to think about it, but all I want to do when I get home is lay down. Shouldn't be much longer before it passes. Yea!Nausea and vomiting: What’s the worst thing you can do if you’re feeling queasy? Skip a meal. (Missing a meal just makes those queasy feelings more intense.) But if eating anything is really turning your stomach, try acupressure or seasickness bands. And sucking on ginger candy (or drinking real ginger ale) will help, too. This has gotten a little easier. Definitely eating more small meals/snacks. I can't eat an entire meal of anything that I used to. I keep nuts and granola bars in my desk, along with cheese in the fridge at work and usually some fruit too.
Food cravings and aversions: Between those queasy feelings and food aversions, you’ve probably kept your weight gain down. And that’s okay — baby’s nutritional needs are minuscule at this point. But even so, you don’t want to go crazy on the cravings. It’s okay to indulge once in a while, or eat a bite-sized piece of chocolate instead of a brownie, but if your cravings are getting out of hand, try some distractions: Call a friend, read a book, head to the gym, or go for a walk. Not too bad here. A craving here and there. Mostly "food" stuff though, not sweet stuff. I splurge with a Reese's PB cup or cookies here and there, but not very often at all. Biggest craving has been starches still (pasta, grilled cheese and bread).
Heartburn and indigestion: Never had this until my pregnancy with Baby "E". None yet, and I'll be ecstatic if it stays that way.
Occasional headaches: What accounts for these new pregnancy headaches? Blame hormones (they’re a convenient scapegoat!), but other triggers include fatigue (check), hunger (check), and stress (check).Your doctor will probably okay acetaminophen but not ibuprofen. It’s also worthwhile to try other ways to soothe your savage head: Lie down in a dark room, put a cold compress on your face or neck, or take fresh-air breaks. Only had a couple the last few weeks and some regular Tylenol helped.
Occasional faintness or dizziness: None of this, thank goodness.
Lower abdominal achiness: Like so many pregnancy symptoms, round ligament pain (which is just a fancy name for those growing pains in that burgeoning belly of yours) is probably something you never expected. What’s causing them? The ligaments that support your belly are stretching out (and getting thinner); and as your belly gets heavier, the weight pulls on the ligaments, causing pain (sharp or dull). The best thing to do is get off your feet and get comfy. Mostly dull so far. Just here and there, so no worries.
Monday, August 19, 2013
A milestone for this journey. We have now graduated from the clinic to my OB, although I will continue all meds until 10 weeks. I will call soon to get the first appointment scheduled. So exciting!!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
9 Weeks
C & W's Baby in Week 9 of Pregnancy
The baby, now the size of a green olive, has grown about an inch since last week. Tiny muscles are beginning to form, so while he might not be ready to pump iron, he's gearing up to move his arms and legs. It's still too soon to feel anything in your belly, but you might be able to hear something at your next checkup. Try listening for your baby's heartbeat via a Doppler device — that welcome sound should be audible anytime now.(Sadly, I have a retroverted uterus, so it will still be a few weeks before we can pick up the heartbeat with my Doppler.)
What's going on with My Body in Week 9 of Pregnancy
Chances are you've never felt so tired in your life and for good reason: Your body is working overtime preparing as it develops the placenta, the baby's lifeline. At the same time, your metabolism and hormone levels are surging, which triggers a decrease in blood sugar and blood pressure. The result of all this: pregnancy fatigue. Relief is around the corner as your energy level increases (and morning sickness decreases) over the next few weeks once placenta construction is completed.Definitely feeling the fatigue. : )
Friday, August 16, 2013
2nd Ultrasound Appointment
Today was our 2nd ultrasound. C & W are traveling, so weren't able to make it to this one. We were going to try to reschedule for Tuesday, but they wouldn't be able to make it then either, so we just decided to keep the appointment for today. I decided to take the afternoon off because I had to get some A/C work done, so figured I would head home after the ultrasound appointment. Went into work and was pretty busy, so definitely kept my mind occupied. I was so excited for the appointment. As I walked out of the office for my appointment, my mind wondered a little and wasn't too happy with it. I knew in my heart that everything was fine and the appointment would be great, but honestly, I went through so much with the 1st cycle of my last journey and with the chemical on our first try this time, I think I wanted to prepare myself for everything. As much as I didn't want to think anything negatively, it's like I just couldn't keep myself from doing it. Anytime a negative thought would enter, I would just think of something positive. "Everything is fine", "I'm still having all my symptoms", "I haven't had anymore bleeding"......I would send thoughts to the baby, "Your mommy and daddy love you so much already", "They are so excited", "Just keep growing", "stay strong".
Before I became a surrogate, some of the negative thoughts would have never crossed my mind. I always think of the saying, "ignorance is bliss", because in this situation, it totally is. You become so much more aware of all the things that could happen through this process. Definitely my least favorite part, but I've learned to deal with it.
I got to the RE's office and didn't have to wait long before being called back. I did however, have a bit of a wait once I got in the room. I was so excited and anxious to see what was going on with this little one. The nurse came in to let me know that he Dr. was with another patient and running a little behind. I totally understood. I just think of the last ultrasound and how they saw me unexpectedly when I had my bleeding episode. Maybe someone else was going through the same thing. I could wait a little longer. The Dr. finally came in after about 30 minutes. She asked me how I was doing and if I had any more bleeding. I told her that I hadn't and then she started the US. Just a few seconds after starting, she said that everything is looking good and that the baby is much bigger than the last time. Measuring around 8w4d and HB was 167!! Yea!!! So excited for C&W and this little sweet pea. Dr. said baby is measuring a little under an inch long. Amazing! At the end of the appointment, I recorded the Dr. telling about the parts of the baby. The head and how the brain is developing, the arm buds, the heartbeat, the cord and the blood going through it and then the leg buds too. It was so nice of her. I texted the video to C&W right after the appointment. Now we just wait for them to send the report to the clinic in Houston and then wait for the next steps. I'm still on PIO each day and 1 vaginal Estrace and Prometrium each night. I think my next appointment will be with my OB. ; ) I am so much more at ease now and can't wait to keep watching this little one grow!
Before I became a surrogate, some of the negative thoughts would have never crossed my mind. I always think of the saying, "ignorance is bliss", because in this situation, it totally is. You become so much more aware of all the things that could happen through this process. Definitely my least favorite part, but I've learned to deal with it.
I got to the RE's office and didn't have to wait long before being called back. I did however, have a bit of a wait once I got in the room. I was so excited and anxious to see what was going on with this little one. The nurse came in to let me know that he Dr. was with another patient and running a little behind. I totally understood. I just think of the last ultrasound and how they saw me unexpectedly when I had my bleeding episode. Maybe someone else was going through the same thing. I could wait a little longer. The Dr. finally came in after about 30 minutes. She asked me how I was doing and if I had any more bleeding. I told her that I hadn't and then she started the US. Just a few seconds after starting, she said that everything is looking good and that the baby is much bigger than the last time. Measuring around 8w4d and HB was 167!! Yea!!! So excited for C&W and this little sweet pea. Dr. said baby is measuring a little under an inch long. Amazing! At the end of the appointment, I recorded the Dr. telling about the parts of the baby. The head and how the brain is developing, the arm buds, the heartbeat, the cord and the blood going through it and then the leg buds too. It was so nice of her. I texted the video to C&W right after the appointment. Now we just wait for them to send the report to the clinic in Houston and then wait for the next steps. I'm still on PIO each day and 1 vaginal Estrace and Prometrium each night. I think my next appointment will be with my OB. ; ) I am so much more at ease now and can't wait to keep watching this little one grow!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
8 Weeks
C & W's Baby in Week 8 of Pregnancy
The baby is growing at an amazing rate — about a millimeter every day — and now is the size of a large raspberry. C & W's little berry is looking a lot less reptilian (even though she has webbed fingers and toes, her tail is just about gone) and a lot more baby-like these days, as her lips, nose, eyelids, legs, and back continue to take shape. Her heart is beating at the incredible rate of 150 times per minute — about twice as fast as yours! And even though you can't yet feel it, she's now making spontaneous movements as she twitches her tiny trunk and limb buds.What's going on with my Body in Week 8 of Pregnancy
While the raspberry-sized babe isn't exactly causing you to show yet, chances are your clothes are feeling a little tight around the tummy and you might need a bigger bra. You may also be feeling perpetually queasy. But take heart — the baby feels just fine even while you're hugging the bowl with morning sickness. Try to eat often, but only a little at a time. That should also help your body battle another stubborn woe coming your way soon: pregnancy heartburn. Most likely, you'll find relief as you move into your second trimester, but for now, try to focus on the positive: Morning sickness is usually a sign that your pregnancy is going well.Friday, August 9, 2013
Surro GTG
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L-R (Kayla, Me, Dominique, Krystal, and Beth) |
Some of the sweetest ladies I know. I absolutely love my surro sisters and the community that I am so blessed to be a part of. They were an amazing support during my last journey and have been even more so during this one. They are there for the good, bad and ugly. We make each other laugh and cry. I'm the only one preggo in this group so far. We decided to meet at Chick-fil-a in Grand Prairie since most of us had our kiddos. It was a long drive, but totally worth it.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Updated labs and reducing meds
I got to take off 2 patches today, so now I will only wear 2 every other day. I also had my labs drawn today and now we just wait for the results to see how to proceed with the remaining Estrogen. Still wearing 2 patches and taking one Estrace vaginally/day.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
7 Weeks
C & W's Baby in Week 7 of Pregnancy
The baby is now about the size of a blueberry (and about 10,000 times bigger than he was at conception). Most of that growth is concentrated in the head as new brain cells are generated at the rate of 100 per minute. The baby's mouth and tongue are forming as arm and leg buds sprout, and those little kidneys are getting ready to do their job (pee production and excretion).Week 7 Pregnancy Symptoms
Oh my gosh! This list is loooooooong. Lucky me, I'm really not experiencing too many of these. Feeling blessed!Frequent urination: Between the nausea and the need to pee, you’re still spending a lot of time in the bathroom these days. The pregnancy hormone hCG is increasing the blood flow to your pelvic area (that’s good news if you’re up for having sex), and that in turn affects the other flow. Don’t cut back on liquids, though (but you may want to cut back on coffee, which is a diuretic). Your body (and baby!) needs a steady supply of fluids during pregnancy.
Really only experiencing this because I drink SO much water. At minimum, I drink 100oz/day, but most days, it's closer to 120oz. : )
Fatigue: Of course you’re tired — you’re still engaged in the Herculean task of manufacturing the placenta (your baby’s life-support system) as well as getting used to all those conflicting emotions you’re experiencing. One way to fight fatigue is by eating smaller meals more often. (It’ll help your queasy stomach, too). Eating six mini meals will keep your blood sugar on an even keel, and that in turn will help your energy level. Just make most of those mini meals healthy ones!
This has totally been my biggest symptom of all. I typically tend to be good during the day, but early evening is the hardest. I usually end up falling asleep for 30 minutes or so around 9pm, wake up, take my evening meds and then to bed for the night. Zzzzzz.
Breast tenderness and changes: Are your breasts sprouting blue veins that are beginning to make them look like an interstate highway map? In fact, these veins do act like highways: They transport the nutrients and fluids from you to your baby after he (or she) is born. To minimize sagging and stretch marks later on, invest in a good bra now (maybe even a maternity one that will give you more support).
Not really any "changes", but definitely tender, especially once I take my bra off.
Nausea and vomiting: Don’t choose the nursery colors just yet, but studies do show that moms-to-be who are severely nauseated in the first trimester tend to be carrying girls, thanks to the interplay of hormones produced by you and the female fetus. But regardless of your baby’s gender and how sick you feel, you’ll still want to keep some food down. Stick to foods that appeal to you, even if you’re only eating fruit salads for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (Your baby’s nutritional needs are tiny at this point, so no worries.)
Luckily, still no vomiting, but definitely some nausea and some days are worse than others. It's a little stronger in the morning, but as long as I keep something in my stomach, it's definitely a bit easier.
Excessive saliva: No issues with this one.
Food cravings and aversions: Stuck eating the same thing night after night because very few foods appeal to your picky palate now? Don’t worry — you’re not robbing your baby of precious nutrients by eating the same (healthy) thing over and over. If cravings are driving you crazy, give in to them once in a while — then eat well for the rest of the day.
This baby loves starches. Potatoes, pasta, bread and sandwiches. I have been eating a lot of soup too.
Heartburn and indigestion: No issues with this so far. Let's hope it holds off a while longer or doesn't even rear it's ugly head at all. ; )
Constipation: If pregnancy has clogged up the works for you, you’re not alone. The muscles in your bowels have relaxed so the food you eat can stay around your system longer. That’s good for your baby — more nutrients for her (or him) — and bad for you since sluggish bowels can leave you feeling, well, sluggish too. A good way to get things moving is to get your fill of the good bacteria found in probiotics. Find yogurts that contain active cultures and eat one a day (or take a probiotics supplement after checking with your practitioner). Probiotics will stimulate the intestinal bacteria to break down food better and help your digestive track keep things moving.
I've had a couple of episodes with this, but just make sure to add some extra oatmeal and keeping my water intake high to be able to help with this.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Scary day with a great ending
The morning started a little rough. Probably the most nauseous I've felt so far, but luckily, it still only stayed as nausea. I headed to the clinic for the blood draw. Just routine these days. The monitoring clinic is always pretty quick and most times I can still make it to work a little before 8 and today was no different.
I ate some oatmeal when I got to work and that helped the nausea quite a bit. I got hungry a little later (which is not unusual), so I ate a banana and that helped. I had been texting with C some over the morning discussing the day and dinner later. Trying to decide on where we were going to eat. We ultimately decided on Railhead BBQ near the downtown area. Around lunch time, I went to get lunch at CFA for the office, since that's what we all wanted. On my way back, I was having a little cramping and thought since I had eaten a banana and hadn't had as much water (usually have 44oz. by noon and had only had around 30 oz) that it was just constipation. I had eaten about half my sandwich and just didn't feel like eating the rest of it. I through the rest of it in the trash and still wasn't feeling 100%.
A few minutes later, I felt a very small gush and knew it was a little more than the usual from my meds. I went straight to the bathroom and my fear was confirmed. I was bleeding and it was bright red. Not a lot, but definitely made me panic for a few minutes. Luckily, I had on a panty liner because the vaginal Estrace can stain blue if I don't, so only a little got on my underwear. As I'm sitting there wondering what to do, I just keep telling myself, "It's common. It happens a lot. Stay calm." I had some bleeding with Baby "E" too, so I knew it didn't necessarily mean anything bad, but I wanted to be sure. I texted Gayle to let her know since she was going to meet us at the clinic for the appointment at 4pm and then told the other manager in my office, as she's aware of the journey. I told her I was going to run to Walgreen's to grab some pads, since I didn't have any on me. On my way, I went ahead and called Gayle and decided I would go ahead and run to the clinic, since it was only 5 minutes away. Pretty sure they would go ahead and see me immediately. I got there and let them know what was going on and they said they could go ahead and get me in right then. Thank goodness. I hadn't call C & W yet, but knew they were on there way. I wanted to know either way and would decide how to move forward after the ultrasound. The Dr. came in and of course we discussed that bleeding can be common with IVF pregnancies and we all (my surro sisters) tell each other the same thing all the time. I think there have been 4 other ladies in one of my group that have had bleeding around this time (or earlier) and all has been well. I just kept thinking positive thoughts and praying that this little one was ok. She started the ultrasound and I didn't have a great look at the screen, but was looking for the little flicker of the heartbeat. She said everything looked normal and then we saw the heartbeat. The baby measured 6w4d and the HB was 120. She did say that I had an SCH (see below for more info) that is measuring 3x1, which I think is smaller than the one with "E". I think that one was a 7x3. Hoping that it will just reabsorb and resolve on it's own. OMGosh!! What a relief! She was totally good with me coming back at 4pm with C & W too. Such a great clinic. I decided that I wasn't going to say anything to C & W about it until our appointment later in the afternoon. I didn't want to ruin that moment of them seeing their baby and hearing the heartbeat for the first time. Such a big milestone. I wanted them to remember the joy that they would feel when they found out this little one is progressing along, not all the drama that I experienced earlier in the day.
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C & W's Sweet "Pea" (as that's the size of the baby right now) |
I left the clinic and headed back to work. I hadn't been gone very long. I was scheduled to leave the office at 3pm, so decided to stay until around 3:40pm to make up the time I was gone for "lunch". I called Gayle to let her know and then worked for the rest of the afternoon, until 3:40pm. I left and headed over to the clinic. The bleeding had definitely slowed down and I was feeling a little better. I texted C to let her know I was leaving the office and heading to the clinic. She said that they would be there right around 4pm and we couldn't have planned it much better. When I got there, there were 2 other couples in the office. Not long after I got there C & W walked in and a few minutes after that, Gayle and her husband arrived. We all joked in the exam room about what the other couples thought of us. We were quite a bit entourage. Two couples and me. LOL! We got back to the room and visited in there for a while until the Dr. came in. She came in and asked how everyone was doing. I didn't realize she had met them in the hall, so I introduced them to her. She asked how everything was going and I said it was good. She asked if I had told them and I said no. We filled them in at that point. She said, "she had a little bleeding earlier" and I said, but everything is fine. I know they were probably a little worried at that point and we explained that it can be quite common in IVF pregnancies. The Dr. said, "yes, everything is fine." and they seemed a little relieved after that. She started the exam and she said that everything looked good. Baby measured 6w3d and HB was 117. Measurements are good and they can vary a little more when they are SO small. This little one is about 1/4 inch long. C got teary and it made me teary. I'm so happy for them. I can't wait for them to hold this little one in their arms. We took some pictures together after the appointment with the ultrasound pictures and then we headed over to C's parent's house.
We still had an hour before dinner, so they let me tag along with them because there is no way I could've driven all the way home and back by 6pm. DH was bringing the kiddos and my Mom was going to meet us there too. I was so excited. I got to see some pictures of C's brother and sister and some of the pictures from their trips to the beach. While we were there, C & W gave me a beautiful gift. I will be able to use it for my wedding ring or other jewelry. They are always so thoughtful and I really appreciate it.
After a little while, we headed to Railhead for dinner. I haven't had BBQ in forever, so it was a nice change. Plus, I'm meeting some of my surro sisters for an early dinner (Mexican food) on Sunday. We had such a great dinner and visited for a couple of hours. I was glad that my kiddos finally got to meet them. Especially DD because, as usual, she is the most fascinated with the pregnancy. I would normally wait until further along to tell her, but she's a very intuitive little girl. She knew when I got home from the transfer and kept asking, "Is there a baby in your belly." I just kept telling her soon, but you know that only lasts so long. She really cracks me up. She always kisses my belly. Now she knows who the baby's mommy is and will know who I'm talking about when I mention C & W. I'm sure we'll get together more throughout this journey and so glad that they chose me to "babysit" for them. So excited to continue on this journey with them.
Subchorionic Bleeding During Pregnancy
Sometimes, blood clots form within the layers of the placenta. But more often than not, they heal themselves.
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