I ate some oatmeal when I got to work and that helped the nausea quite a bit. I got hungry a little later (which is not unusual), so I ate a banana and that helped. I had been texting with C some over the morning discussing the day and dinner later. Trying to decide on where we were going to eat. We ultimately decided on Railhead BBQ near the downtown area. Around lunch time, I went to get lunch at CFA for the office, since that's what we all wanted. On my way back, I was having a little cramping and thought since I had eaten a banana and hadn't had as much water (usually have 44oz. by noon and had only had around 30 oz) that it was just constipation. I had eaten about half my sandwich and just didn't feel like eating the rest of it. I through the rest of it in the trash and still wasn't feeling 100%.
A few minutes later, I felt a very small gush and knew it was a little more than the usual from my meds. I went straight to the bathroom and my fear was confirmed. I was bleeding and it was bright red. Not a lot, but definitely made me panic for a few minutes. Luckily, I had on a panty liner because the vaginal Estrace can stain blue if I don't, so only a little got on my underwear. As I'm sitting there wondering what to do, I just keep telling myself, "It's common. It happens a lot. Stay calm." I had some bleeding with Baby "E" too, so I knew it didn't necessarily mean anything bad, but I wanted to be sure. I texted Gayle to let her know since she was going to meet us at the clinic for the appointment at 4pm and then told the other manager in my office, as she's aware of the journey. I told her I was going to run to Walgreen's to grab some pads, since I didn't have any on me. On my way, I went ahead and called Gayle and decided I would go ahead and run to the clinic, since it was only 5 minutes away. Pretty sure they would go ahead and see me immediately. I got there and let them know what was going on and they said they could go ahead and get me in right then. Thank goodness. I hadn't call C & W yet, but knew they were on there way. I wanted to know either way and would decide how to move forward after the ultrasound. The Dr. came in and of course we discussed that bleeding can be common with IVF pregnancies and we all (my surro sisters) tell each other the same thing all the time. I think there have been 4 other ladies in one of my group that have had bleeding around this time (or earlier) and all has been well. I just kept thinking positive thoughts and praying that this little one was ok. She started the ultrasound and I didn't have a great look at the screen, but was looking for the little flicker of the heartbeat. She said everything looked normal and then we saw the heartbeat. The baby measured 6w4d and the HB was 120. She did say that I had an SCH (see below for more info) that is measuring 3x1, which I think is smaller than the one with "E". I think that one was a 7x3. Hoping that it will just reabsorb and resolve on it's own. OMGosh!! What a relief! She was totally good with me coming back at 4pm with C & W too. Such a great clinic. I decided that I wasn't going to say anything to C & W about it until our appointment later in the afternoon. I didn't want to ruin that moment of them seeing their baby and hearing the heartbeat for the first time. Such a big milestone. I wanted them to remember the joy that they would feel when they found out this little one is progressing along, not all the drama that I experienced earlier in the day.
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C & W's Sweet "Pea" (as that's the size of the baby right now) |
I left the clinic and headed back to work. I hadn't been gone very long. I was scheduled to leave the office at 3pm, so decided to stay until around 3:40pm to make up the time I was gone for "lunch". I called Gayle to let her know and then worked for the rest of the afternoon, until 3:40pm. I left and headed over to the clinic. The bleeding had definitely slowed down and I was feeling a little better. I texted C to let her know I was leaving the office and heading to the clinic. She said that they would be there right around 4pm and we couldn't have planned it much better. When I got there, there were 2 other couples in the office. Not long after I got there C & W walked in and a few minutes after that, Gayle and her husband arrived. We all joked in the exam room about what the other couples thought of us. We were quite a bit entourage. Two couples and me. LOL! We got back to the room and visited in there for a while until the Dr. came in. She came in and asked how everyone was doing. I didn't realize she had met them in the hall, so I introduced them to her. She asked how everything was going and I said it was good. She asked if I had told them and I said no. We filled them in at that point. She said, "she had a little bleeding earlier" and I said, but everything is fine. I know they were probably a little worried at that point and we explained that it can be quite common in IVF pregnancies. The Dr. said, "yes, everything is fine." and they seemed a little relieved after that. She started the exam and she said that everything looked good. Baby measured 6w3d and HB was 117. Measurements are good and they can vary a little more when they are SO small. This little one is about 1/4 inch long. C got teary and it made me teary. I'm so happy for them. I can't wait for them to hold this little one in their arms. We took some pictures together after the appointment with the ultrasound pictures and then we headed over to C's parent's house.
We still had an hour before dinner, so they let me tag along with them because there is no way I could've driven all the way home and back by 6pm. DH was bringing the kiddos and my Mom was going to meet us there too. I was so excited. I got to see some pictures of C's brother and sister and some of the pictures from their trips to the beach. While we were there, C & W gave me a beautiful gift. I will be able to use it for my wedding ring or other jewelry. They are always so thoughtful and I really appreciate it.
After a little while, we headed to Railhead for dinner. I haven't had BBQ in forever, so it was a nice change. Plus, I'm meeting some of my surro sisters for an early dinner (Mexican food) on Sunday. We had such a great dinner and visited for a couple of hours. I was glad that my kiddos finally got to meet them. Especially DD because, as usual, she is the most fascinated with the pregnancy. I would normally wait until further along to tell her, but she's a very intuitive little girl. She knew when I got home from the transfer and kept asking, "Is there a baby in your belly." I just kept telling her soon, but you know that only lasts so long. She really cracks me up. She always kisses my belly. Now she knows who the baby's mommy is and will know who I'm talking about when I mention C & W. I'm sure we'll get together more throughout this journey and so glad that they chose me to "babysit" for them. So excited to continue on this journey with them.
Subchorionic Bleeding During Pregnancy
Sometimes, blood clots form within the layers of the placenta. But more often than not, they heal themselves.
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