Today was our 2nd ultrasound. C & W are traveling, so weren't able to make it to this one. We were going to try to reschedule for Tuesday, but they wouldn't be able to make it then either, so we just decided to keep the appointment for today. I decided to take the afternoon off because I had to get some A/C work done, so figured I would head home after the ultrasound appointment. Went into work and was pretty busy, so definitely kept my mind occupied. I was so excited for the appointment. As I walked out of the office for my appointment, my mind wondered a little and wasn't too happy with it. I knew in my heart that everything was fine and the appointment would be great, but honestly, I went through so much with the 1st cycle of my last journey and with the chemical on our first try this time, I think I wanted to prepare myself for everything. As much as I didn't want to think anything negatively, it's like I just couldn't keep myself from doing it. Anytime a negative thought would enter, I would just think of something positive. "Everything is fine", "I'm still having all my symptoms", "I haven't had anymore bleeding"......I would send thoughts to the baby, "Your mommy and daddy love you so much already", "They are so excited", "Just keep growing", "stay strong".
Before I became a surrogate, some of the negative thoughts would have never crossed my mind. I always think of the saying, "ignorance is bliss", because in this situation, it totally is. You become so much more aware of all the things that could happen through this process. Definitely my least favorite part, but I've learned to deal with it.
I got to the RE's office and didn't have to wait long before being called back. I did however, have a bit of a wait once I got in the room. I was so excited and anxious to see what was going on with this little one. The nurse came in to let me know that he Dr. was with another patient and running a little behind. I totally understood. I just think of the last ultrasound and how they saw me unexpectedly when I had my bleeding episode. Maybe someone else was going through the same thing. I could wait a little longer. The Dr. finally came in after about 30 minutes. She asked me how I was doing and if I had any more bleeding. I told her that I hadn't and then she started the US. Just a few seconds after starting, she said that everything is looking good and that the baby is much bigger than the last time. Measuring around 8w4d and HB was 167!! Yea!!! So excited for C&W and this little sweet pea. Dr. said baby is measuring a little under an inch long. Amazing! At the end of the appointment, I recorded the Dr. telling about the parts of the baby. The head and how the brain is developing, the arm buds, the heartbeat, the cord and the blood going through it and then the leg buds too. It was so nice of her. I texted the video to C&W right after the appointment. Now we just wait for them to send the report to the clinic in Houston and then wait for the next steps. I'm still on PIO each day and 1 vaginal Estrace and Prometrium each night. I think my next appointment will be with my OB. ; ) I am so much more at ease now and can't wait to keep watching this little one grow!
yeah for a happy, healthy baby!