Saturday, June 22, 2013

Great appointment and visit!!

Got to the hotel in Houston a little after 10pm last night.  Definitely a bit exhausting to make that drive after working all day, but I think it beat getting up at 3am to make the same drive.  My appointment was at 8am and C and I had discussed just meeting at the clinic at 7:45am.  C & W were both going to come, along with C's mom M.  C's Mom has been staying with her to help her recover from her surgery.  It's funny how things work out sometimes, as I parked and started to head in, I had already gotten on the elevator and realized I had forgotten my phone, so went back up one floor to go back to the car to get it.  As I was almost to the car, I saw a vehicle pull in that looked like W's and sure enough, it was them.  Timing couldn't have been better.  I was introduced to her Mom and we all walked in together.  C looked great and I couldn't believe that she had just had major surgery just a week and a half before.  She had a follow up appointment yesterday and they removed one of her drain tubes (on the right side), which is great and means that the healing is going well. 

When we got upstairs, we checked in and got to visit a bit before they called us back.  C came with me (for the fun part) and W and M waited in the lobby.  We went back for the ultrasound and "physical" first.  Dr. M actually did the ultrasound, so it was nice to see her and get to talk to her a little bit, as well as ask a couple of questions.  Everything was great!!  My lining was at an 8.6!!!  Yea!!!  I'm so glad that I asked them to start the vaginal Estrace early, so that we didn't have to push the transfer back.  I was so afraid we would have to cancel and move it to August since I can't take any time off before or after due to other colleagues being on vacation.  I asked Dr. M about my Estrogen level being so high after the first check and if it could cause any issues or be "too high".  She said that it can only be "too low" and that a high number doesn't really impact the cycle as much.  That was definitely good to hear. 

After we finished the exam, C and I headed over to get my blood drawn.  Such fun!  They took 9 vials all together.  8 the first time and 1 the second time.  Yes, I said 2nd time.  She had pulled vials for all of the FDA required labs, but forgot to pull one for my second E2 check.  Ugh!  Good thing I'm a pretty easy stick and I'm not afraid of needles.  She was really good too and didn't leave any bruising and was very apologetic that she had to do it again.  She kept saying, "I'm so sorry.  I always like to get them all at once."  It was quite funny though because they don't use traditional tape when your done.  They have some sticky bandage type material they wrap around.  This time it was bright, neon green.  I joked that I had on my Hulk bandages.  LOL!  As we were checking out, Barb came over to say that my E2 level was at 2815, which was fine.  Glad it hadn't shot up a ton since the first check on Monday.  She was so excited for us and I have to say that she does seem to be much more on top of things this time around.  We got all of the testing done early and I don't feel rushed, which is fantastic.  She said she would send me the updated calendar and that we were on for transfer July 5th.

C & I headed back to the lobby and we all headed to brunch.  It was still really early, a little before 9am, so I guess you could still call it breakfast.  C rode with me and I followed W and M.  We went to a place in City Centre called Flora & Muse (, which was right by the hotel where I was staying.  We all ended up getting breakfast, since they didn't start serving lunch until 11:30am.  W is a lot like my DH in that I think he would've totally ordered lunch if they had been serving it.  C, her Mom and I all had the exact same thing.  We got to chat and had great conversation.  C's mom lives in the DFW area and coincidentally enough, not far from my work.  I think it will be nice having her close because if C & W aren't able to make an appointment, I figure her Mom could join me if she would like.  Her Mom is just as sweet as she is and has such a positive outlook too.  When we were done with breakfast, we had that hostess take a picture of the 4 of us and one of just the 3 of us as well.  We all headed back to the cars and I figured since I had a little bit of time before check out, that I would grab a short nap before making the drive back home. 

I got in a good 30 minute nap and then headed back home.  I was excited to see my DH and babies.  The drive wasn't too bad and I even made a little stop just South of Waxahachie.  I saw these Sunflower fields on my way down, but didn't really want to stop, but made a note on my phone where it was so I could stop on my way back.  They were amazing and SO big.  I've never really seen any up close before and when I looked even closer, the brown part is actually made up of a lot of tiny flowers (I think the seeds are in the middle of each one).  Beautiful!!  I had to take a few pictures and luckily, I know how to work the timer on my camera so you can see how really big they were. 


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Sunflowers are my favorite! And so glad everything is on track!! FX for a BFP!!
