Friday, March 29, 2013

Whirlwind Trip

Wow, what a day.  I have had the busiest couple of days off in a long time.  I'm glad I kept Thursday off too, because it was just as busy as Friday.  I had to run tons of errands, then we had family pics with my favorite photog for Spring.  Plus, I wanted to get a family picture before I'm pregnant again.  After pictures, I had a band booster meeting at oldest DS's school.  I finally got home and got to get ready for my trip to Houston today.  It was definitely a whirlwind trip.  My flight out was at 9am for an ultrasound appointment at 11:45am.  Unfortunately C & W had to work in the AM, but C was going to meet me at the clinic at around 11:30am for the appointment.  I'm so glad that she wants to be so involved.  I do want them to be as involved in the entire process as they are comfortable with.

The surrogacy community is so large and I have been so blessed to have met several surro-sisters in different cities.  I know of 2 in Houston that I have met before and I was so lucky that Denise volunteered to pick me up at the airport and get me to the clinic.  It was a nice drive and we had some time to catch up.  I got to the medical center and hung out in the lobby for a little while since I was pretty early.  About 11:25, I went ahead and headed up to the clinic and checked in.  Right after I checked in, C walked in.  We didn't have to wait very long before they called me back.  I went back for blood work first (as always) and then we headed to the room for the ultrasound.  We sat and chatted while we waited for the nurse to come in to complete the procedure.  It's funny that when the nurse came in, she had mentioned again that they want it to be over a 7.  Really?!  Is it 7 or 8?!  Oh well, either way, I was already there.  She took all the measurements and said that it was a 7.9.  I was just hoping that would be sufficient for them to move forward and not have to push the transfer again.  After the appointment, we had them page our NC so that we could confirm that the US results were acceptable and that they weren't going to need me to come back again the next day since I was scheduled to fly out that afternoon at 4:30pm.  The NC came out and said that everything looked good and we would still transfer next Friday.  Yea!!!  Such great news.

We left the clinic and then headed out to meet W for lunch.  The weather was great, so we ate outside at Cafe Express.  I really enjoy talking to them and getting to know them even more each time we get together.  They have been through so much and both have such a wonderful and hopeful outlook on everything.  The conversation always seems so easy with them and I love that.  I was a little self conscious at first because I was afraid that maybe C and I would talk more and that W wouldn't feel included, but the conversation seemed to flow well between all 3 of us.  After we finished lunch, W headed out to play golf and C took me to the airport.  I gave C her gift and I'm so glad she liked it.  It was an Origami Owl locket that I selected each element for.  She put it on right there.  Made me so happy. 
Good luck charm for transfer.  The pink charm says "hope" for a cure, the ring is for C & W's marriage, a "faith" charm, the yellow stone for fertility and the green stone for luck.
We headed to the airport and I was quite early, so when I checked in, it gave me the option to change my flight.  I was able to get a flight out an hour earlier.  Yea for not sitting at the airport forever. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ultrasound Update

Today was the ultrasound at the local clinic and it seemed to go well.  I stopped by the clinic on my way in (at 7:30am) to have my blood drawn and then went back at 1:15pm for my ultrasound.  I have had a couple of surro-sisters that have used this clinic and I've always heard good things.  The RE was so nice and she took several measurements.  A couple of the measurements were over 8 and the remainder were all over 7 with triple stripe.  She said everything looked great and she would send the results to the clinic in Houston.

I headed back to work to wait for a call from the clinic.  I got a call late in the afternoon and it wasn't what I wanted or hoped to hear.  She told me that it did look a lot better, but that it was still not to an 8.  I asked if they were looking for it to be a 7 or an 8.  She said that over 7 is good, but 8 is "ideal".  She said that since it wasn't an 8 yet, that they want me to have another ultrasound on Friday in Houston so that we can ensure there aren't any discrepancies with the measurements.  She also said to go ahead and add a single vaginal Estrace in the evening.  This will help build the lining more as well.

Well, I guess it's good that I kept my days off and we're closed on Friday.  Still just a little frustrated since this means more money that C&W will have to pay and another trip to Houston for me.  At least I will get to see C & W again and we are getting closer to where we need to be.  One step closer to transfer.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Catching up and new plan

I've had a very busy last few weeks since being on my sabbatical.  Well, I called a local clinic and they were so nice and helpful.  I scheduled my E2 (Estradiol) and US (lining check) for Wednesday.  Luckily, they are right down the street from my office, so I'll just go in at 7:30am for the blood work and take a late lunch for the ultrasound.  Let's just hope my uterus conforms to the requirements of the clinic. 

Unfortunately, I have a colleague that is off on April 1st, so I wasn't able to get that time off for transfer, but I was able to get Friday, the 5th off, so it looks like that is the new transfer date.  We will have to see what happens on Wed too. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Bloodwork Check

Today was the day to check my Estradiol (Estrogen) level to ensure that meds are working as they should.  I went in at a little after 9am and there was quite a wait.  A couple of people had been there for over 2 hours, so I hoped it wouldn't take that long.  I went ahead and logged onto my phone and scheduled an appointment for 11:30am just in case. 

Luckily, I only had to wait an hour or so before being called back.  They did the blood draw and I was on my way.  Now to just wait for the results.

Got a call from the NC letting me know that the results for my Estrogen level are just where they need to be, so we just keep going.  Lining check will be Saturday morning at 8am in Houston.

Monday, March 4, 2013

1st Lupron Injection Done

Well, today was my first day off for the next three weeks.  I spent it doing just about nothing.  It was quite nice actually.  I will get busy with some stuff around the house tomorrow.  I can't waste all 3 weeks that way.  (Can I?  LOL)  I woke up this morning (slept in a bit) and had the calendar in my email.  Yea!!  Of course only a couple of dates are filled in since a lot will depend on when I have a little bit of bleeding, or day 1, as I will start patches on Day 3.  I will take my last BCP on Wed and should have some bleeding around 3 days after that.  Although it will not be a full period, I will start the patches on day 3, whether I am still bleeding or not.  I will have an ultrasound at some point around the week of the 18th to make sure that my lining is thickening as it should and then transfer will be on 3/28.  So excited!  The start of injections definitely make it more real. 

I started the Lupron tonight, which is super easy.  The needle is so tiny and is given in my belly, so super quick and I barely even feel it.  I will do this injection nightly. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Meds are in!

Got my meds today!  Yea!!  I actually had to sign for them because there was a "controlled substance" in with them.  It's funny, because there is 1 Valium....yes, a single Valium (for the transfer), it required a signature.  It's ok, because we actually had to forfeit DD soccer game this morning because it was 36 degrees and the weather said it felt like 27 degrees.  We had 3 parents say that they didn't want their daughters to play and we weren't thrilled about our little one playing in the weather either. 
I will start Lupron on Monday.  This cycle is going to be a bit different than my last two since this clinic doesn't seem to use PIO (an injectable progesterone - with a huuuuge needle).  Instead they use Crinone, which is used vaginally.  I didn't mind PIO so bad, but I'm sure this will work just as well.  I hear it can be a little messier, but it's just part of the process.  It's amazing all that it takes to grow a baby.  Can't wait for Monday!!  : )

Friday, March 1, 2013

A little more progress

Well, work has been so crazy for me this week, since I will be off for the next 3 weeks.  Since my job is so crazy, we earn sabbaticals after our first 5 years and then every 3 years after that.  This will be my 2nd sabbatical, as I have worked for my current employer for 9 years in May.  Wow, the time has definitely flown by and I am looking forward to the time off and getting to do a few projects around the house, spend some time with my family and relax a bit.

I got an email from the NC this morning with the clinic consents.  I was hoping the calendar was attached, but no such luck.  They are forms that will need to be notarized by DH and myself, so we will get that done so we can send them back to the clinic on Monday.  My DH did actually stop by my office this afternoon, but by then, the notaries that work down the hall had already left for the day. 

I did get a bit irritated with the clinic today, as I had emailed the dates that work best yesterday and my attorney sent my legal clearance letter to the clinic on Monday, yet when she sent the date for transfer, she said that we would transfer on the 28th.  The week after I get back from my sabbatical.  I really didn't want to have to take off two days, plus another possible day for screening right when I get back from being off for 3 weeks, in addition, C & W would have to pay lost wages.  If the transfer is done while I'm on sabbatical, they would save the lost wages, since I'm already off.  I emailed the NC to let her know and she said that they could complete any screening over the weekend, which means that I would just need to take off for the transfer itself.  I looked at the vacation calendar and it just so happens we are closed on the 29th in observance of Good Friday, so I would only have to take off the 28th.  I sent in my request and it was approved.  Yea!!  Firm believer that everything happens for a reason and this is just one more of those situations.  It all works out as it should.

I emailed the NC to let her know that the 28th would work and that my request was approved.  She said that was great and that she was going to order meds.  I got a call from the pharmacy and meds will be here tomorrow.  Woohoo!  The only bad thing, is I still don't have the calender.  I even emailed her close to the very end of the day to say that I had spoken with the pharmacy and just wanted to make sure I didn't miss any emails from her (I know I didn't have any new ones, but wanted to cover my bases), but didn't hear back.  Ugh!  I will start meds Monday and at least I'm off, so I will email the NC first thing Monday morning to make sure I don't miss any doses of anything.  At least we have some progress in the right direction.  So excited!!