Monday, December 30, 2013

OB Appointment and Glucose Test

Today during my OB appointment, it was time for the generally dreaded Glucose test.  I have personally never had any issues with the glucose test.  To me, it tastes a bit like a Sunkist soda.  Some pregnant women can't tolerate it much at all because it is too sweet.  I had 5 minutes to drink it and then would have my blood drawn an hour after that.  I had picked up the drink itself the other day after lunch so that I could drink it before getting to the Dr.'s office to save some time since I would be heading back to work after the appointment.

I got to my appointment and went back for the remainder of the check up while waiting for my blood draw.  It was a good appointment too.  I actually lost 2.4 lbs from the last appointment, which was fine with me since I had gained so much the last time.  My blood pressure was good at 120/66 and the baby's heart rate was 138.  By the time I finished meeting with the OB, I only had a few more minutes before the blood draw, so sat in the lobby until being called back.  It took just a couple of minutes and then I headed back to work. Now to just wait for the results.  They should be back within a week or so.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

28 Weeks!!

C & W's Baby in Week 28 of Pregnancy

C & W's baby is settling into the proper position for birth, with his head facing downward (toward your body's nearest exit!). Their little work in progress is now about 2.5 pounds and almost 16 inches long. He's busy adding new skills such as blinking to an already impressive repertoire of tricks like coughing, sucking, hiccuping, and taking practice breaths. The baby's sleep now includes the REM (rapid eye movement) phase — and that means he could be dreaming already (what do you suppose he's dreaming about?).

My Body in Week 28 of Pregnancy

While it's good news that the baby is settling into the right position for childbirth (since you're now entering the third trimester), the potentially painful news is his head — plus the weight of your uterus — may now be sitting on your sciatic nerve, which runs through the lower part of your back, buttocks, and legs. This common condition (called sciatica) can cause sharp, shooting pain and/or tingling or numbness, starting in your rear end and radiating down the backs of your legs. The best thing to do for sciatica (and the rest of your week 28 aches and woes)? Take it easy — and hope your baby changes position sooner rather than later.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

27 Weeks and onto the 3rd Trimester!!

Oh wow, how the time has flown by.  We are entering the 3rd and last trimester before this little one arrives.  Only 13 Weeks to go......the countdown now begins.

C & W's Baby in Week 27 of Pregnancy

For a baby, it's time to trade in the old crown-to-rump measurement for a new head-to-toe standard. So what are your baby’s stats this week (which, coincidentally, is the end of the second trimester)? Fifteen inches — more than a foot long — and triple (or even quadruple) what it was in week 12. His weight is creeping up the charts as well, coming in at just over two pounds. More big news: Your baby may recognize your voice by now, so feel free to serenade your belly (start learning those lullabies!).

My Body in Week 27 of Pregnancy

Puffy? That's to be expected — about 75 percent of soon-to-be moms experience edema (mild swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles) around this point in pregnancy. That's because fluids build up in your body tissues thanks (or no thanks) to increased blood flow and uterine pressure on the vena cava (the large vein that cycles blood from your lower limbs to your heart). So while you may have a hard time squeezing into shoes or getting your rings on (or off), keep in mind that the puff factor is completely normal and temporary.
Luckily, I haven't had any issues with this just yet and I'm able to wear all my usual shoes and my jewelry.  

Sunday, December 15, 2013

26 Weeks

The picture on the right was at work after our Client Luncheon.  26w3d

C & W's Baby in Week 26 of Pregnancy

What's up with the baby? She now weighs a full two pounds and measures nine-plus inches. And this week, her eyes, which until now were developing under fused eyelids, start to open. Of course, there's not much to see in there, but if your baby spots a bright light (or hears a loud noise) near your belly, you may notice an increase in fetal activity. (“Hey, I'm in here, Mommy! Where’s the party!”) What accounts for that response? Her brain is more developed and sophisticated.

My Body in Week 26 of Pregnancy

If a full night's rest has become elusive, welcome to the (sleepless) world of pregnancy insomnia. Between heartburn and leg cramps, bathroom runs and that big beach ball (with its protruding navel!) beneath your nightie, it's no wonder your body's having trouble calming down and drifting off. But there are lots of tactics to try that should help keep you in bed (and asleep!) instead of pacing the floor; these include daytime exercise, a daily dose of fresh air, and limiting fluids before you hit the hay.

Week 26 Pregnancy Tip: Baby's Movements in the Womb

Feel like you're carrying the Karate Kid with all the kicking going on? Your baby is actually practicing all kinds of movements that will eventually be used in life on the outside — including pedaling against your belly, a sort of prewalking skill. As the baby's nervous system becomes more developed, the movements will become much more coordinated. And as the baby gets bigger and stronger, the movements will become much more powerful…and occasionally, even painful to you. If the baby lands a good one, that tiny left hook might hurt — a lot. Another trick she may try — stretching that leg out so far that the foot becomes lodged between your ribs (ouch). Next time you come under attack, try changing positions or doing some stretches of your own. You can also gently push baby back with your hand when your knee-jerker jerks a little too hard. You just might be able to send the little slugger back into the corner of the ring!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

OB Appointment

OB Appointment today went great.  I have gained a good deal since the last visit, but Dr. wasn't too concerned.  About 7 lbs.  Considering all of the holidays and extra food, guess a little more than usual is expected.  : )

My blood pressure was good at 109/66 and the baby's heart rate was 133.

Apparently, C's Grandfather is a retired OB and actually worked with our OB several years ago.  He called our OB to talk to her and say hi and that she was seeing his Granddaughter.  Hehe.  I mentioned it to Dr. B and we talked a little about the conversation.  She said when he first started talking to her that he didn't mention any names, but then once he told her my name and I was the surrogate, she knew exactly who he was talking about it.  Such a small world.

My company Christmas party is coming up and it is at a bowling alley, so I talked to her about that as well and she said that it would be fine for me to bowl.  Yea!  She was more concerned about a shoulder or elbow injury.  She said to just be conscious of my balance.  I did also talk to her about the Pertussis vaccine and she said that I can get it anytime before the baby is born.  She said that it has been quite prevalent recently and that if I get the vaccine, it will protect the baby for 6 months after birth as well.  I had talked to C about this prior to the appointment as well and she already has the vaccine and was going to tell W to get set up to get a booster too.  Typically, anyone that will be around the baby will need the vaccine.  I will get it at one of my appointments over the next few weeks.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

25 Weeks

C & W's Baby in Week 25 of Pregnancy

Baby is growing by leaps and bounds, reaching nine inches in length and passing the pound and a half mark. Under his skin, capillaries are forming and filling with blood and by week's end, air sacs (also lined with capillaries) will develop in his lungs, getting them ready for that first breath. Mind you, those lungs aren't ready for prime time just yet — but they are developing surfactant, a substance that will help them expand after birth. And speaking of breathing, your baby's tiny nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are starting to open, and his vocal chords are getting ready to roar.

My Body in Week 25 of Pregnancy

Let's face it, some pregnancy ailments are a real pain in the butt, especially hemorrhoids! More than half of all pregnant women experience swollen, itchy veins in the rectum due to that big old uterus pressing down — as well as to increased blood flow to the area. And while they're not dangerous to your body, hemorrhoids can be downright painful — so try your best to avoid them by eating right (and avoiding constipation, which aggravates those pesky piles), doing pelvic-floor exercises (Kegel exercises), and trying not to strain when you poop. With any luck, they’ll go away after delivery (and yes, you probably are getting tired of hearing that phrase!).

Week 25 Pregnancy Symptoms

Heartburn or indigestion: Does it feel as if stomach acids are burning up your esophagus and setting fire to your chest? Always have some Tums or Rolaids nearby so you can cool your heartburn as soon as it strikes.
Starting to have a little bit of heartburn these days, but generally close to the time for my next meal.  As long as I keep a little food in my belly, then it seems to stay at bay.  I'll definitely have to keep an eye on it.
Snoring: Snoring is quite common during pregnancy since increased blood flow to mucous membranes in your nose can cause congestion. But if you find your snoring is seriously interfering with your sleep, this could be a sign that you have sleep apnea (which can deprive you of oxygen) — so ask your practitioner about it.
No snoring yet, although it did get pretty bad near the end of my pregnancy with Baby "E", so we'll see.
Skin, hair, and nail changes: Because normal daily hair loss is suppressed by pregnancy hormones, you may notice that your hair feels thicker and more lustrous than ever before. Enjoy it now — after delivery, all the hair that didn’t fall out during pregnancy will shed.
Uh, yeah.  Still losing plenty of hair, but have tons of it anyway, so it's really hard to tell.  Planning on chopping it all off again once this little one arrives.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

24 Weeks

C & W's Baby in Week 24 of Pregnancy

Baby is about eight and a half inches long and weighs one and a half pounds, gaining steadily at a rate of six ounces per week. Much of that weight comes from accumulating baby fat, as well as from growing organs, bones, and muscle. Those little ears of hers are getting sharper and can hear very loud sounds, from a yapping dog to a jackhammer. Also by now, that fabulous face is almost fully formed, complete with eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair. Is your baby a brunette, a blonde, or a redhead? Actually, right now her locks are white since there's no pigment yet.

Since hearing is getting sharper, I have been and will continue to play stories C&W have recorded through my belly buds.  This way their little one will get to know Mommy and Daddy before they arrive earthside.  Obviously, the baby will know the voices of my family, but I really want the baby to know it's parents before he/she is born and this is a great way to do it.  C&W have been great about recording messages and stories to their little one and can't wait to see them hold and talk to their bundle of joy!

My Body in Week 24 of Pregnancy

If your former innie is now an outie, welcome to the club. Almost every expectant mom's pregnant belly button pops at some point as her swelling uterus pushes on everything in its path. Things should return to normal after delivery, though your navel (and some other parts of your body) might look a bit, well, stretched. Just think of it as one more badge of honor that only moms get to wear. What other pregnancy woe is pushing your buttons? Well, probably your uncomfortably numb wrists and fingers, thanks to carpal tunnel syndrome. (Don’t worry — the sensations will disappear when you give birth.)

I'm actually doing ok with both of these for now.  I think seeing my chiropractor has definitely been helpful.  I do remember the numb hands when I slept when I was pregnant with Baby "E", so guess we'll see if it develops later or stays at bay.  I'm feeling fantastic right now and hoping to keep it that way.