Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Happy Dance, Happy Dance!!

I am totally doing the happy dance.  Today was a fantastic day.  I went by the clinic for the 2nd Beta blood draw on my way into work.  I'm so happy that they open at 7:30am, that way I can still make it to work by 8am.  I got there a little before 7:30, so actually had to wait for them to open.  There were several other people there too.  I always wonder what they are there for.  First consult, ultrasound, blood work, etc. and figure they may be wondering the same thing.  I didn't have to wait long and then went back for the blood draw.  Left around 7:40am and headed to the office.  Now, to wait for the results.  Here's the test from this morning, yesterday and the one from the morning of the first Beta too.

Now we just wait for the results.  Today they would be testing the HcG, E2 and P4 to make sure the hormone levels are good for that too.  I texted C when I was done to let her know. 

I was glad I had to work today, because I knew that would help keep me busy while waiting for results.  It was a pretty busy day, so didn't really worry about it until a little after lunch.  At a little after 3pm, I texted C to let her know that I hadn't heard anything, but had sent our NC a "reminder" email.  At close to 4pm, still hadn't heard results, but at least got an email back saying, "Still waiting!!!!" from our NC, so I least we knew she had it on her radar.  I will say that she has definitely been more prompt this time around, which has made things so much less stressful.  I asked if she wanted me to the monitoring clinic and around 4:30pm, I got an email saying that she was on the phone with them.  Yea!!  Almost got 'em.  At 4:37pm, I got the call with the results......Hcg was now at 483!!!  Woohoo!!  That is an awesome #.  Over double, which is great.  We were hoping for at least 66%, which would've been 330 and double would've been 398.  Our NC was so excited for us too.  She said that she and Dr. M were crying they were so happy and that she was not going to leave the office until she had those results for us.  She said that we would probably have the E2 and P4 back in the next day or two and would let me know as soon as those are back too.  She said the next appointment will be the ultrasound and we can do that in Houston or here in FW and would be Monday, 7/29.  I explained that Monday's are really tough for me, so she said anytime that week would be fine.  I told her I would talk to C & W and decide if they want to do it here or in Houston and let her know.

I couldn't wait to call C, so as soon as I hung up the phone with our NC, I called her.  I told her the number and explained the doubling.  Now they can start telling their families.  I can only imagine how hard it's been keeping it a secret.  The estimated due date based on the transfer will be 3/23/14.  I sent C a calendar that will calculate it for you and she said that W's birthday is 3/24.  What a fabulous birthday present this little baby is going to make!

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